Promenade on Pioneers
Promenade on Pioneers
NeighborWorks Lincoln selected Sinclair Hille Architects to assist them in master planning an affordable housing development on a ½ acre site near Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska. Through an initial goal setting meeting with the project team, a small number of essentials were established that would steer the design effort. The project needed to engage the neighborhood and context in meaningful ways, be distinctive in the marketplace, and achieve these things within the economics necessary to get it constructed and occupied. It was a challenging set of parameters to be certain.
The completed design includes 12 dwelling units in all, with 7 market rate units and 5 affordable units. The site plan is a wonderful urban response to the site, positioning half of the units fronting the public street and the other half set back against the mid block alleyway. A key design feature of the master plan is a small pocket green space with a prominent location designated for public sculpture. The architecture of the homes recall the vernacular of the surrounding neighborhood while offering something new and interesting.
Sinclair Hille was proud to work once more with NeighborWorks Lincoln to build quality, affordable housing with distinctive design.