Our Team

Our Team

Our office is an open studio environment and encourages conversation and idea sharing between our team members. The talent and creative spirit contributed by each team member is fundamental to our collborative process. Design is about people. Want to JOIN OUR TEAM?

Chuck Bachmann

Project Architect | Senior Associate

Chuck Bachmann Project Architect | Senior Associate

What is one thing you can't live without?  

DVR - being able to fast forward through commercials is the next best thing to sliced bread.

What was your best client experience? 

Champions Club - Besides being just an awesome project, we had a client who challenged me to get a certain number of parking stalls and if successful he offered me a pair of Husker season tickets.  I won his challenge, but in all honesty was not expecting any reward for it....the next year a pair of season tickets showed up in my in-box.  It happened to be the year Notre Dame came to town.

If I wasn't in the Architectural field, I would probably be: 

Marine Biologist - if only Nebraska had an ocean border, I'm sure life would have been different.... I have always been captivated by ocean life thanks to all those Jacques Cousteau documentaries I watched as a kid.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 35

Angela Barry

Marketing & Business Development Manager

Angela Barry Marketing & Business Development Manager

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

My husband Mike, my two kids, Ashley and Sully and my pink fuzzy slippers.

What’s something about you that not many people know?

I did synchronized swimming from age 5 to 13 and went to the Junior Olympics. I have the fondest memories of those days.

Years of Experience: 27

Liz Bavitz

Project Manager | Principal

Liz Bavitz Project Manager | Principal

What do you like to do when you’re not in the studio?

I love food.  If I’m not in the studio, I prefer to be doing something food related. Cooking, gardening, reading cooking magazines or cookbooks, searching the web for that perfect recipe, shopping for cool stuff for my kitchen and dining room, even grocery shopping.  Oh yes, and of course, eating!

What was your best client experience?

I’ve had the pleasure of working with several great clients over the years. It is hard to pick just one experience from so many!  My favorite experiences all share one important thing – I become friends with our client by working together to solve the design problem at hand and then remain friends with them after the construction project is complete. 

If I wasn't in the Architectural field, I would probably be:

If I wasn’t in the Architectural field, I would probably be a cartographer.  I’ve always loved to study maps, I am always the navigator on trips and have some large maps as artwork in my home – even star maps. I seem to have a built in compass and can almost always point out which way is north.

creative expansion
Phone: 402.450.2243
Years of Experience: 34

Abbey Bettinger

Interior Designer | Senior Associate

Abbey Bettinger Interior Designer | Senior Associate

What do you like to do when you’re not in the studio?

I like to create. I started creating in art classes when I was 9 and continued on through college, studying interior design. Now, from crocheting blankets to the decor in my house, I’m happy as long as I can use my creativity to make something new.

What’s your favorite part of the profession?

My favorite part of being an Interior Designer is seeing a satisfied client. My second favorite part is knowing I was able to make that client happy by doing what I love.

If I wasn’t in the architectural field, I would probably be:

If I wasn’t in the architectural field, I would still need to work in a field that requires creativity; perhaps textile design or woodworking. As a textile designer, I would enjoy working with colors, patterns, and textures. In woodworking, I would enjoy the process of creating different forms out of the material.

Open Minded
Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 8

Caroline Chontos

Architectural Associate

Caroline Chontos Architectural Associate

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

As a chronic extrovert, I cannot live without people. In a perfect world, I would always do work in busy coffee shops, read at the kitchen table with my whole family talking around me, and fill every second with activities and friends. Nothing is more energizing for me than hosting a party or attending a Husker tailgate.

What is your favorite part of the profession?

My favorite part of architecture is that it requires you to be a lifelong learner. Every project has unique demands and gives you the opportunity to learn about other people and professions by designing for them.

What’s something about you that not many people know?

Technically, I am a first-generation American even though I only speak English and choose pepperoni pizza over most other foods. My dad is German and my mom is Canadian.

Phone: 4024767331
Years of Experience: 4

Dan Grasso

Design Architect | Principal

Dan Grasso Design Architect | Principal

What do you like to do when you are not in studio?

Since most of the time in studio is fairly sedentary, I like to get a workout in at the YMCA. It’s a great way to get the mind and body re-energized. Then, I like to find an inspiring book to read.

Given the chance, what else would you like to design besides buildings?

I really enjoy design and have always enjoyed sports car design. So, given the chance, I would love to be involved in the process of designing a new sports car. I have yet to come up with what I would name this new car, but maybe that’s another question in itself.

What advice would you  give to the people reading your bio?

If there is one great life lesson I have learned it’s to live in the present. Be fully in the moment. It’s truly all we really have. The future is unknown and the past is behind us.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 34

Averie Harley

Graphic Design & Marketing Coordinator

Averie Harley Graphic Design & Marketing Coordinator

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

-My cat and coffee

What is your favorite part of the profession?

-It is constantly evolving and growing keeping me on my creative toes!

What is something about you that not many people know?

-I went skydiving in Hawaii!

Phone: 402-476-7331
Years of Experience: 2
Areas of Specialization:

Graphic Design, Marketing, Videography & Photography

Erin Kistler


Erin Kistler Controller

What is the one thing you can’t live without? 

"My family and a good book."

What is your favorite part of the profession? 

"I love working with numbers.  No day is ever the same and I enjoy working through the accounting puzzles that come up."

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 24

Jim Krieger

Project Architect | Associate Principal

Jim Krieger Project Architect | Associate Principal

What do you like to do when you’re not in the studio?

I enjoy being outdoors, hiking, biking and being with my family.

What is your favorite project type, and why?

I really enjoy working on a diversity of projects and working with a team to find creative solutions to complex challenges. 

If I wasn't in the Architectural field, I would probably be:

I absolutely love the DIY Network show "Salvage Dogs".  If I wasn't working in the architectural field, I think I would really enjoy doing architectural salvage like the guys on the show.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 32

Chad Kruse

Project Architect | Principal

Chad Kruse Project Architect | Principal

What do you like to do when you’re not in the studio?

My wife, Halley, and I enjoy frequenting all kinds of museums, from the tiny and obscure Telephone Museum in Lincoln to the large and popular Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.  We even got engaged and married in museums!

Given the chance, what else would you like to design besides buildings?

Tabletop games!  I think it would be a really fun and a unique challenge to find a way to create a theme and successfully apply it across all of the game elements, including the artwork and components to the rules and player interactions.

What’s something about you that not many people know?

I own two typewriters (non-electric) that I use to write letters and even create artwork.  I learned to type on a computer, but there’s something joyful and gratifying about the permanence of the words being physically created right in front of you that a computer can never match.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 13

Sarah Maher

Architectural Student Intern

Sarah Maher Architectural Student Intern

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

As cheesy as it sounds, I couldn’t get by without my friends! Besides always being there for me, I am continually learning and growing because of them. My friends push me to be the best person (and designer!) I can be.

What is your favorite part of the profession?

This summer and over the course of this whole last year, I’ve really been able to see the difference that architecture can make for a city, a community, and an individual. Being a problem solver and getting to see how my efforts can impact real people is my favorite part!

What’s something about you that not many people know?

I love camping and go every summer in July!

Phone: 402.476.7331

Michael Penn

Design Architect | Principal

Michael Penn Design Architect | Principal

What gets you up in the morning?

Each day is unique, and the things that draw me out of bed can be equally different.  the aroma of coffee in the kitchen is always a favorite – though lately it’s the dull pain of a shoulder that’s getting older.  But by far, the most common experience that gets me going in the morning is the sloppy – though well intentioned – kiss from an adorable western highland terrier.

What is your favorite part of the profession?

What I believe I love the most about the practice of architecture is that the work has a very tangible and measurable impact on the quality of people’s lives.  Being engaged in a profession that will create places for all of life’s many moments is a real honor and privilege.  When we get it right, and people are inspired and elevated by what they experience, there is no greater reward.

If I wasn’t in the architectural field, I would probably be…

If I had to choose an alternate career path it very likely would have been to design and engineer aircraft for one of the major U.S. defense contractors.  Building machines for flying has always captured my imagination and would have been challenging and rewarding I’m sure.  Nevertheless, any interests I may have had other than architecture was always a distant second at best.  Building machines for living – as architecture has often been described – has long been my desire, and has proven to be a profession worthy of one’s life work.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 32

Natasha Pierce

Interior Designer

Natasha Pierce Interior Designer

What do you like to do when you are not in studio?

When I’m not in the studio I enjoy baking/cooking, crafting and of course traveling. I love to create things whether it be perfecting a recipe, exploring Pinterest for the next craft to be showcased in my home or creating a memory with my friends and family.

Given the chance, what else would you like to design besides buildings?

Besides buildings, I think designing textiles or chairs would be my next go to area of design. I’m really inspired by the works of Robin and Lucienne Day so designing textiles, chairs, or a combination of them both would be a very interesting area for me to explore.

If I wasn’t in the Architectural field, I would probably be:

If I was not in the Architectural field, I would probably be an event planner or florist. I love how these areas would still allow me to be creative and give me hands-on work.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 3

Danielle Prochnow

Architectural Associate III | Associate

Danielle Prochnow Architectural Associate III | Associate

What three songs would describe the soundtrack of your life?

It is hard for me to narrow it down to just three but the following would be at the top of my list:

Blackbird by The Beatles – my father played this on his guitar all the time and now I sing this song to my son; although not very well
Better Together by Jack Johnson – my wedding song
Banquet by Bloc Party – this song always puts me in a good mood and reminds me of the many fun times in my life

What’s your favorite part of the profession?

The people, whether they are a client, a co-worker, a consultant or a contractor, everyone has an interesting perspective to add to a project. It is especially fascinating working with the client to figure out their wants and needs and how to make these work in the confines of the scope.

If I wasn’t in the Architecture field, I would probably be:

I always wanted to be in the medical profession but did not think I could handle it emotionally. However, I would be curious to spend a day as a pharmacist or a transplant specialist.

Every day
Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 19

David Quade

Project Architect | Principal

David Quade Project Architect | Principal

What is the one thing you can’t live without? 

A bicycle. I started to seriously alter my primary mode of transportation from a car to a bicycle about 10 years ago and now not only see it as transportation but also as a lifestyle.

What is one rule of Architecture you always follow – and which one do you choose to break?

Restroom doors should ALWAYS swing out. Okay, not exactly a rule of the profession, but it should be. Seriously… swing them out!

If I wasn’t in the Architectural field, I would probably be:

A Contractor. I have always enjoyed “making things” and creating with my hands. There is something fulfilling in the creation of something from nothing.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 31

Carmen Ragland

Administrative Assistant

Carmen Ragland Administrative Assistant

What is one thing you can't live without?

If it is grocery shopping, watching TV or riding bikes, time with my husband is the one thing I can't live without.

What is your favorite part of the profession?

Working with people and being helpful. I enjoy knowing that people can count on me if they need anything.

What's something about you that not many people know?

I love to go horseback riding. When I was young, I had a horse named Pokie. I could go riding for hours(at least it seemed like hours) with that horse.

Phone: 402-476-7331 EXT. 101
Years of Experience: 5

Nolan Schaefer

Architectural Associate | Associate

Nolan Schaefer Architectural Associate | Associate

What do you like to do when you’re not in the studio?

When I’m not in the studio, you can usually find me either spending time with family and friends, coaching baseball, or out trying a new restaurant or coffee shop.

What’s your favorite part of the profession?

I love seeing how projects progress through the different phases of the design process, and exploring creative alternatives to design problems.

What’s something about you than not many people know?

I attended three different colleges throughout my educational career. I started at Dana College in Blair, Nebraska as a Sport Management major. After my first year, transferred to Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Physics. And finally, graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln after three years of graduate studies in architecture.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 8

Paige Schettler

interior designer

Paige Schettler interior designer

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

One thing I can’t live without is nature. Whether I’m going for a run in my neighborhood or on a family hiking trip, I love to spend time outdoors.

What is your favorite part of the profession?

My favorite part of the profession is the impact design has on individuals within a space. Design is a part of and a reflection of people’s stories, and it’s incredibly rewarding to be a part of creating those experiences. 

What’s something about you that not many people know?

Something about me that not many people know is that I love to spend my free time baking. I love trying new recipes as well as putting a fun spin on classic desserts.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 3

Reid Shubert

Architectural Associate

Reid Shubert Architectural Associate

What do you like to do when you’re not in studio?

When I’m not in studio I am most likely either running, spending time with close friends and family, or fantasizing about/planning where to travel to next.

Given the chance, what else would you like to design besides buildings?

Anyone who knows me knows that I am an avid sneaker head and love all kinds of shoes. I currently own around 35 pairs. That being said, I have a dream of one day having the opportunity to design shoes with a large footwear company.

What advice would you give to the people reading your bio?

Never settle. You can live your entire life wanting to be good at something, but good isn’t enough when you dream of being great.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 5

Mike Stolle

Project Architect | Associate Principal

Mike Stolle Project Architect | Associate Principal

What do you like to do when you’re not in the studio?

When I’m not in the studio, you can generally find me at the ice rink (during hockey season), remodeling our 60’s era home, or brushing up on my fine woodworking skills.

Given the chance, what else would you like to design besides buildings?

I have long enjoyed furniture and product design. At a significantly smaller scale than architecture but also very similar, details matter. They can play a significant role in the success or failure of a product.

What’s something about you that not many people know?

I’m a sucker for refrigerated milk chocolate chips. The combination of sweet and crunchy is irresistible.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 22

Kjersten Tucker

Lead Interior Architect | Senior Associate

Kjersten Tucker Lead Interior Architect | Senior Associate

What is one thing you can't live without? 

One thing I can’t live without (besides all the obvious) is variety. I never want to go to the same restaurant twice in a row, and I love rearranging furniture. Keeping things fresh, and keeping those creativite juices flowing!

What is your favorite project type, and why?

My favorite project type is mixed use. I love what a puzzle it is, and how you really have to work to fit everything together in the most efficient and pleasing manner. It has to work for both the personal experience and the practicalities of business.

What has been your most unlikely source of inspiration?

My most unlikely source of inspiration was a 1960’s psychology book called The Hidden Dimension—all about how people use the space around them, and variations by culture. It’s what inspired me to become an architect! I always want to design spaces that bring joy to their inhabitants and make their lives a little better.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 12

Jacob Urban

Architectural Associate

Jacob Urban Architectural Associate

What do you like to do when you’re not in studio?

Outside of the studio you can find me refereeing soccer games ranging from the youth level all the way up to collegiate matches in the Midwest as well as in national tournaments.

What’s your favorite part of the profession?

I love that there is no one right answer to any problem and that anyone can provide valuable insight at any point throughout the design process.

What advice would you give to the people reading your bio?

Take the time to listen to all the feedback because some of the best ideas come from the most unlikely of places.

Phone: 402.476.7331
Years of Experience: 3

Craig Wohlgemuth

Project Architect | Senior Associate

Craig Wohlgemuth Project Architect | Senior Associate

What do you like to do when you’re not in the studio?

When I am not watching my three daughters at their volleyball, basketball, soccer, and track sporting events, I enjoy biking and being outdoors.

What was your best client experience?

I was lucky enough to be the Project Architect on a local Zoo project. Working with the Zoo Staff and the Zoo Veterinarian to design the different animal exhibits was a great design opportunity and learning experience.  You don’t get the opportunity to design a Zoo very often.

If I wasn’t in the Architectural field, I would probably be:

An aviation or aerospace engineer.  I have always been fascinated with flying and the design and engineering of “flying machines”.   A good friend of mine had his pilot license in high school and took me flying.  I’ve always wanted to get my pilot license ever since.


Years of Experience: 25